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convexify identifies minimal leaf set to cut for taxonomic concordance.

usage: convexify [-c my.refpkg | --tree my.tre --colors my.csv]


-c Reference package path. Required.
--node-numbers Put the node numbers in where the bootstraps usually go.
--tree A tree file in newick format to work on in place of a reference package.
--colors A CSV file of the colors on the tree supplied with –tree.
-t If specified, the path to write the discordance tree to.
--cut-seqs If specified, the path to write a CSV file of cut sequences per-rank to.
--alternates If specified, the path to write a CSV file of alternate colors per-sequence to.
 When determining alternate colors, check all ranks instead of the least recent uncut rank.
 When determining alternate colors, ignore the taxononomy and show all alternates.
--cutoff Any trees with a maximum badness over this value are skipped. Default: 12.
--limit-rank If specified, only convexify at the given ranks. Ranks are given as a comma-delimited list of names.
--timing If specified, save timing information for solved trees to a CSV file.
--rooted Strictly evaluate convexity; ensure that each color sits in its own rooted subtree.
--naive Use the naive convexify algorithm.
--no-early Don’t terminate early when convexifying.


convexify applies an exact dynamic program to identify leaves of a phylogenetic tree that don’t agree with their taxonomic labels. You can read more in the announcement or the paper.

You can either specify a reference package or a tree and a CSV file of colors. The CSV file is formatted as follows:


where the colors are just strings.

Note that --no-early and --naive don’t change the results. They just (much) run more slowly for all but the most trivial problems.