
distmat prints out a pairwise distance matrix between the edges.

usage: distmat -o my.tab placefile[s]


-o Specify the filename to write to.
--out-dir Specify the directory to write files to.
--prefix Specify a string to be prepended to filenames.


This subcommand provides distances calculated as the sum of branch lengths between all pairs of edges in a reference tree. The format of the output is a lower-triangular matrix of pairwise distances, in which margins correspond to edge numbers. Each distance is prefixed by either an S (“serial”) or a P (“parallel”). Definition of these terms, as well as the procedure for calculating the distance from an arbitrary placement on the tree to any edge is as follows.

A placement on an edge looks like this:

 |   d_p
 |---- x
 |   d_d

dp is the distance from the placement x to the proximal side of the edge, and dd the distance to the distal side.

If the distance from x to a leaf y is an S-distance Q, then the path from x to y will go through the distal side of the edge and we will need to add dd to Q to get the distance from x to y. If the distance from x to a leaf y is a P-distance Q, then the path from x to y will go through the proximal side of the edge, and we will need to subtract dd from Q to get the distance from x to y. In either case, we always need to add the length of the pendant edge, which is the second column.

To review, say the values of the two leftmost columns are a and b for a given placement x, and that it is on an edge i. We are interested in the distance of x to a leaf y, which is on edge j. We look at the distance matrix, entry (i, j), and say it is an S-distance Q. Then our distance is Q+a+b. If it is a P-distance Q, then the distance is Q-a+b.

The distances between leaves should always be P-distances, and there we need no trickery.