pmlpca performs poor-man’s length principal components.
usage: pmlpca [options] placefiles
--out-dir | Specify the directory to write files to. |
--prefix | Specify a string to be prepended to filenames. Required. |
--point-mass | Treat every pquery as a point mass concentrated on the highest-weight placement. |
--pp | Use posterior probability for the weight. |
-c | Reference package path. |
--min-fat | The minimum branch length for fattened edges (to increase their visibility). To turn off set to 0. Default: 0.01 |
--total-width | Set the total pixel width for all of the branches of the tree. Default: 300 |
--width-factor | Override total-width by directly setting the number of pixels per unit of thing displayed. |
--node-numbers | Put the node numbers in where the bootstraps usually go. |
--gray-black | Use gray/black in place of red/blue to signify the sign of the coefficient for that edge. |
--min-width | Specify the minimum width for a branch to be colored and thickened. Default is 1. |
--write-n | The number of principal coordinates to calculate (default is 5). |
--som | The number of dimensions to rotate for support overlap minimization(default is 0; options are 0, 2, 3). |
--scale | Scale variances to one before performing principal components. |
--symmv | Use a complete eigendecomposition rather than power iteration. |
--raw-eval | Output the raw eigenvalue rather than the fraction of variance. |
--kappa | Specify the exponent for scaling between weighted and unweighted splitification. default: 1 |
--rep-edges | Cluster neighboring edges that have splitified euclidean distance less than the argument. |
--epsilon | The epsilon to use to determine if a split matrix’s column is constant for filtering. default: 1e-05 |