indep_c calculates the independent contrasts of pqueries.
usage: indep_c [options] placefile[s]
--pp | Use posterior probability for the weight. |
-o | Specify the filename to write to. |
--out-dir | Specify the directory to write files to. |
--prefix | Specify a string to be prepended to filenames. |
--csv | Output the results as csv instead of a padded matrix. |
--leaf-values | Name of CSV file giving values for the leaves of the tree. |
This is an implementation of the “independent contrasts” method of (Felsenstein, 1985).
Assume we have the following pair of placements on a simple tree:
{"tree": "((A:2{0},B:9{1}):7{2},C:5{3},D:1{4}):0{5};", "placements":
[{"p": [[0, -1309.83, 1, 1, 10]], "n": ["read1"]},
{"p": [[1, -1309.83, 1, 2, 10]], "n": ["read2"]}
], "version": 3, "metadata": {}, "fields":
["edge_num", "likelihood", "like_weight_ratio", "distal_length",
And that ic.csv is a (possibly partial) list of tip values as follows:
Then, a run of indep_c will give you the maximum likelihood values of values at the tips assuming that the value changes by Brownian motion:
rhino2 ~/ic » guppy indep_c --leaf-values ic.csv ex.jplace
sequence x
read1 2.60377
read2 0.490566
Note that mft has the --leaf-values option to divide the placement weights by these inferred values.