:tocdepth: 3 .. _guppy_fpd: === fpd === `fpd` calculates various alpha diversity metrics of placefiles. :: usage: fpd [options] placefile[s] Options ======= --pp Use posterior probability for the weight. -o Specify the filename to write to. --out-dir Specify the directory to write files to. --prefix Specify a string to be prepended to filenames. --csv Output the results as csv instead of a padded matrix. --theta A comma-separated list of additional exponents to use for calculating bwpd. --chao-d A comma-separated list of additional exponents to use for calculating qD(T). --include-pendant Consider pendant branch length in diversity calculations. Details ======= By default, ``guppy fpd`` outputs a matrix containing in each row: the placefile name, the phylogenetic entropy (``phylo_entropy``, `Allen 2009`_), the quadratic entropy (``quadratic``, `Rao 1982`_, `Warwick and Clark 1995`_) phylogenetic diversity (``unrooted_pd``, `Faith 1992`_), phylogenetic diversity which only requires distal mass (``rooted_pd``, this is as oppposed to ``pd`` requiring both distal and proximal mass), and a new diversity metric generalizing PD to incorporate abundance: balance-weighted phylogenetic diversity (``bwpd``). When passed a ``--theta`` flag and a comma-delimited list of values for ``theta``, a one-parameter family of functions is used to calculate a diversity measure that scales the incorporation of abundance from traditional phylogenetic diversity (at theta = 0.0) to abundance-weighted phylogenetic diversity (at theta = 1.0). A column labeled ``bwpd_[theta]`` is added to the output for each. When passed a ``--chao-d`` flag and a comma-delimited list of values for ``q``, the ``qD(T)`` measure of `Chao 2010`_ is added to the output for each value of ``q``. .. _`Chao 2010`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2010.0272 .. _`Rao 1982`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0040-5809(82)90004-1 .. _`Faith 1992`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0006-3207(92)91201-3 .. _`Warwick and Clark 1995`: http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps129301 .. _`Allen 2009`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/600101